Brief Report on Activities of JES Institutions during Lock Down- April-May, 2021
Honorable Secretary on behalf of all institutions

Managing committee members are informed that after the Government of Karnataka imposed a lock-down with effect from April 28th 2021 effecting closure of all schools and colleges in view of second wave of Covid pandemic raging throughout India with active community spread as an immediate measure to contain the Covid virus. As per the Government order, JES and its institutions were closed and arrangements with instructions to carry out all activities remotely online were issued. Below is a brief summary of the activities that were carried out by JES institutions during the ongoing lock-down period for information of the MC members.
Vivekananda Institute of Technology

VKIT is conducting online classes using zoom for all branches/all semesters and updating details of online classes and fee collection regularly. As per the university curriculum, we are also guiding the 8th semester students for their projects and internship. Online placement training was conducted for final year students by Seventh Sence with few students selected and placed. VKIT successfully completed 10-day online induction programme organizing technical webinars, motivational talks, yoga class, quiz, etc., for Ist-year students. Promotional activities are ongoing for AY 2021-22.
Vivekananda Institute of Management

VIM Faculty have been conducting online classes for BCA, BBA, M.Com & MBA from 3rd May 2021. We have been guiding MCOM & MBA students on their projects. All the final year students of PG & UG attended Career Success webinar on 21/05/021. We plan to conduct a campaign through different platforms for admissions after 2nd PU examinations. Finance classes are yet to be started for requirement of Finance faculty. Guest faculty for finance is arranged from 24/04/2021 with our director’s approval.
Vivekananda College of Law (Grant)

Online Classes are being conducted from 3rd May onwards as per KSLU calendar except one subject as the concerned faculty has tested Covid Positive. Students of final year 3-year LLB are doing their internship with M/s Philomath in association with M/s Chetan Anand and Associates, New Delhi. We have been guiding students for PG CLAT to be held shortly. We have been conducting Yoga classes for overall well being of our staff and students. Moot court training is in progress for the national moot court competition to be held at BMS Law College, Bengaluru. Fee collection efforts are ongoing.
Vivekananda College of Pharmacy

VCP faculty have been conducting online classes for students of B. Pharm and D. Pharm. We have also conducted a webinar in association with Group Pharma on Tips for Career Success with around 600 participants. We plan to conduct a virtual campaign regarding our college on our website and social media for admissions and this will be undertaken after the completion of the 2nd PUC exams.
Vivekananda Degree College (Grant)

Online Classes are being conducted from 3rd May as per Bengaluru City University Notification. Fee amounting to Rs. 4.5 lakhs has been collected during the lock down and approximately Rs. 11 lakhs needs to be collected before the 2nd semester examinations. Three Staff meetings were held to discuss about Online classes, NAAC preparations and admission strategy. Meetings were organized with Cisco Webex and Epaathsala to discuss about Online Platform, Online Courses and NAAC process.
Vivekananda Degree College for Women

VDCW has been conducting online classes regularly from 28th of April till date as per the Bangalore University Guidelines with around 60% attendance for online classes. All efforts are being made to collect balance fee. We have been providing notes, video clips and articles for students benefit. Two staff meetings were conducted with regard to academic matters and admissions for the academic year 2021-22.
Vivekananda College of Education

VCE is conducting online classes for first semester students and engaging practical classes for third semester students and giving out assignment with 70-75 percent attendance. Third Semester Examination scheduled for May 17th has been postponed due to Covid. Fee will be collected at the time of 2nd and 4th semester admissions. We will start process of admissions in the month of June.
Vivekananda PU College - City Campus (Grant)

Faculty are engaging online classes for both 1st & 2nd PUC with Science faculty conducting bridge courses in all 6 science subjects with 50-60% attendance. PUC 2nd year syllabus is completed and revision and preparation classes are ongoing. A Zoom meeting was conducted with our director, Sri Anil G.V. along with senior faculty regarding promotional activity and pending fee collection and informed parents to pay the balance fee at the earliest. Majority of the parents agreed to pay before 2nd PU exams /during admission to 2nd PUC with ₹18,00,000 still pending . Counselling of students and admission promotional activities are ongoing. April & May months were summer vacation but online classes were on.
Vivekananda PU College - VKIT Campus

Online classes are being conducted for I and II year students. Database of II PU Science, CBSE and SSLC students of Karnataka state has been collected and promotional activities for admissions is ongoing. Non-teaching staff are assigned with a Group of students to pursue fee collection and Rs. 45000 has been collected during pandemic.
Vivekananda PU College for Women

Online classes are being conducted on a regular basis for both First & Second Pre-University Students. A total number of 434 online classes were conducted including revision classes. The draft hall tickets (examination entrance tickets) were corrected and uploaded as well as U-DISE information was uploaded to PU Board. Admission activities are ongoing with promotions covering around 20 schools. Fee collection efforts are on with parents assuring fee payment after the lock down.
Vivekananda School –Kannada Medium (Grant)

Online classes are being conducted for 10th standard students to prepare them for the finals. Efforts are on to collect all pending fee. Admission Promotional activities are on with the help of Old Students and Parents of students of our school.
Vivekananda School - English Medium

Online classes are being conducted for 10th standard students Monday through Saturday to prepare them for the finals. Two meetings with parents have been held to keep track of progress of students. Efforts are on to collect all pending fee. Admission Promotional activities are on with the help of Old Students and Parents of students of our school
Vivekananda Public School

Schools are on vacation from April 27th to June 15th 2021 as per GOK. Staff are engaged for holiday Home work, Data entry in SATS and fee collection. We have started our online classes with pre- test and bridge course from 24th May 2021. Fee collection efforts are on with messages sent on school group as well as phone call with some parents requesting for time till school reopens. A survey on the outer ring of our school and its surroundings was done in the month of March and collected data of 450 prospects and efforts are being made to convert them to admissions. We intend to do telecalling and send messages in our school group towards re-admission and new admission after the lockdown.